I came across this article in my Look magazine about pop up shops and I think its such a good idea. Basically the webites list empty high street shop that are available to be used to showcase your products.
The websites are ; www.artistsandmakers.com/emptyshops and http://www.popupspace.com/
I also thought i'd share with you my current project that is in creation. This is me working on monday morning, the perfect bank holiday monday morning if you ask me. A nice cup of tea and my pastels. Although the dog was chasing the cat round the table legs so it was less than tranquil. I hope to list the finished picture this week in my shop at www.folksy.com/shops/Amyrose
Think the pop up shops are a great idea and know they have been used in my local area, not just for selling but also for showcasing local peoples art and craft items.